Deposits & Payments.

There are a few payment options. Please pick the one most convenient for you.

Cananadians (CAD):

Email Transfers:

Email to send to:
Password: Toronto
Note: Please DO NOT include any details in the notes

E-Gift cards :

Please send to:

Plastic gift cards:

I will accept plastic gift cards from the following merchants: Über EATS, Starbucks, Sephora and Shopper’s.


BTC address: 3BRFoSVuEj2qRFAEyQkt2Rj9cvqm5mtVbk

Debit or Credit Card:

please enquire

Americans (USD):

Debit/Credit Card:

Please enquire

Plastic Gift Cards:

I will accept cards from Starbucks and Sephora. Please email or text the number and code.


BTC address: 3BRFoSVuEj2qRFAEyQkt2Rj9cvqm5mtVbk